Plantain & Quinoa Veggie Burgers, GF + V

I like to serve these patties with a side salad, or you could top your favorite bun, fold them up in your favorite tortilla or wrap, or sandwich between some nice leaf lettuce. They also refrigerate well, just throw them back in the skillet and heat for a couple minutes on each side.


2c cooked quinoa

1 large plantain

2 tbsp coconut aminos or tamari

1 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp ground flax seed combined with 6 tbsp water (allow to sit for 5 minutes to create a ‘flax egg’)

1/3 cup cassava or tapioca flour

2 tsp parsley

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp basil

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp pepper / 2 tsp salt (or to taste)

To prepare:

In a high power blender or food processor, create a pulp or mash with the plantain. It will likely be some what chunky and that is okay. Add this to a bowl with the quinoa. Mix together with the coconut aminos, coconut oil, and then mix in the flax egg. Once well mixed start adding the cassava flour, mix well and be sure there are no lumps of flour. Add herbs and salt and pepper to taste. 

Heat a large skillet on medium, add a little coconut oil to the pan, and then using a spoon, dollop a small amount of the patty mixture to the pan. Some times I like to make a teeny one to cook and taste to be sure I have the seasoning right.

Using a spatula I like to squish the mixture down into a flat patty shape. It shouldn’t stick to the spatula because of the coconut oil in the batter. 

Let cook on one side until the edges start to brown and then flip to the other side. 

When both sides are brown and crispy, remove from the pan. 

If you try this out, leave me a comment and let me know what you think and how you found them to be the best way to eat them!