Reflections on being uncomfortable..

Iv been doing a lot of reflection and thinking on levels of awareness and mindfulness. Iv really pondered the connection of how some people just don’t want to try yoga. Or they do and they hate it.
I think about people I know or meet that have lots of inner shit to work out. Why don’t they want to do it? I mean nobody likes facing their demons but it’s part of the necessary work. Especially if they know of it or about it—why not work at it?

Iv made the correlation between consciousness and mindfulness, and ones willingness to be uncomfortable. That is the answer. Those that do not like yoga or do not want to do the shadow work and face their internal shit, can not stand discomfort of any kind.

When we practice yoga we practice discomfort. Whether that’s working to our edge in a pose or simply showing up to our mat even though it’s been the worst day ever and it’s the last thing you want to do. Because if we can step on our mats and breath through physical discomfort, then we can definitely breath through discomfort in our daily lives. That’s awareness. Showing up to the meeting with your boss you so dread. Having the awkward conversation with a family member. Going to an event that seems less than desirable. Choose discomfort and you choose growth.
Our willingness to work through being uncomfortable is in a direct relation to their level of consciousness.
Next time you step on your mat remember you are there to work through resistance. To be uncomfortable- whether physical or mental.
Courage or comfort. You can have one but you can not have both. Choose wisely.
So show up.
Be uncomfortable.
Be brave.
Because YOU ARE WORTH IT. ❤️